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Protect Your Second Home

Protect Your Second Home

Our RVs are like a second home: they protect us from the weather, they give us comfort, and they take us anywhere we want to go. Next time you’re planning a family vacation out in the woods, guess how you’ll get there and start the adventure?


RVs are a big investment, and we need to take care of them. One of the biggest concerns is where you will park your RV. Some RVs are giants compared to others, and you might be discouraged because our flyers say that our metal structures aren’t higher than 12 feet tall. However, that doesn’t mean that we cannot go over 12 feet tall. In fact, the tallest we can go is 20 feet! Take a look at this 16’W x 36’L x 14’H unit:



You can let your imagination run wild when it comes to customizing your metal RV cover. This particular RV cover comes with a horizontal roof, a 12’ x 12’ overhead door, a 36” x 80” walk-in door, and concrete anchors.


Looking for something taller? How about something wider? Perhaps longer? Don’t worry, all of our units are custom-built per your needs! Give us a call to speak with one of our experts! Don’t forget to ask about our financing options. Want to see our buildings in person? Ask for your local dealer!
