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Clear Span Buildings for Agricultural Applications

Clear Span Buildings for Agricultural Applications

It seems that you can never have too many buildings on an agricultural property. Just when you think you have plenty of structures to handle everything that needs to be done, managed, and stored, something else will come up that demands a solution. That’s particularly true for activities that need clear span space inside the building – you can never have too much.  

Metal structures are the leader when it comes to developing clear span buildings. At American Carports, Inc., our team is dedicated to impressing customers through the creation of high-quality clear span metal structures for affordable prices. To learn more, you can contact us directly. Or, to get started on your own, just head over to our Build & Price tool now.   

What is a Clear Span Building?  

With a clear span structure, you have a large open space in the middle of the building that isn’t broken up by walls, beams, etc. It’s completely open and allows you to use the space in whatever way you see fit.   

Commonly, clear span buildings are used by businesses that manufacture goods, since the open space is helpful when it comes to moving equipment and people around day after day. With that said, a clear span structure is just as useful in the agricultural setting, where it can be deployed to help with many different situations (more on that later). Clear span buildings tend to be built with metal components because metal is strong enough and light enough to be used effectively in this type of design.   

A Number of Different Uses in Agriculture

You probably have an idea in mind already for how you could use this type of building on your agricultural property, but we’ll discuss a few possibilities below you may not have considered.   

  • Housing for livestock. This is a common use for a clear span building on a farm. With a ton of open space in the middle, you can easily move the animals in and out as needed, and you can add corrals, feeding stations, or other components to make it function exactly as desired.   
  • Storing crops. You likely have to get some of your crops in out of the weather as soon as they are harvested to avoid spoilage. The weather conditions will be kept out of the building, and you can secure the doors. They will wait there until the crops are sold or ready to be used in another way on your property.   
  • Equipment storage. Farm equipment is incredibly expensive. If you want to get the maximum possible useful life out of your equipment, it’s best to store it inside – and a big clear span building will make it possible to do just that. Be sure to include a door that is large enough for your tractors and other machines to make it in and out without any trouble.   
  • Workshop space. Depending on what you do on your agricultural property, you might have the need to have a dedicated workshop where equipment can be maintained and repaired. This is yet another useful reason to have a large clear span building available.   

Metal Will Serve You Well  

There is something of a tradition around using wood to create agricultural buildings, but in the modern landscape, metal is the way to go. With a metal building, you avoid the fire risk that comes with wood, and you will also appreciate the reduced maintenance requirements, lower cost, shorter construction timeline, and other benefits. All the way around, metal is the way to go when creating a new building on your property, and you will appreciate the value that this building delivers for countless years ahead.   

Build a Custom Clear Span Building for Agricultural Purposes 

What will you do with your new clear span agricultural building? The options are many and the limits are few, but you need to have such a building in place to start with before you can get down to the business of using it. With that in mind, head to our Build & Price tool now to start experimenting with the design and size possibilities, and you’ll see how quickly a project like this can come to life. We are excited to serve you! 
