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Clear Span Buildings for Manufacturing and Production

Clear Span Buildings for Manufacturing and Production

When creating a structure for a manufacturing or production operation, there is usually one priority that quickly rises to the top of the list – open space. While the amount of space you need will depend on the specifics of what you are creating, manufacturing facilities often need ample open space – or “clear span” space – to make the operation work. And, for that, nothing is better than a metal structure.  

At American Carports, Inc., we are proud to specialize in quality metal structures that perform well over time and deliver great value to our customers. If you would like to see what is possible when you work with us, get started by trying out our Build & Price tool today. For assistance directly from a member of our team, take a moment to contact us and we will reply shortly. 

The Advantage of Metal for Manufacturing

When thinking about creating a clear span building, it’s important to understand why metal is such a great choice. It’s the combination of strength and light overall weight that metal presents that makes it an outstanding pick for a clear span structure. From an engineering perspective, it’s simply not possible to create as much clear span space when creating a building with wood.   

In addition to the practical side of designing a building with a big open space, metal is also appealing because it comes with a modest price tag and will last for years with very little maintenance. For a building that comes with a low cost of ownership, it’s hard to do better than metal. As the years go by, you’ll want to make sure to keep the building clean and visually inspect it from time to time to watch for any signs of trouble, but there isn’t much more that needs to be done.   

Clear Spans Create Efficient Operations  

You can think of the room within a clear span building as a blank canvas on which you can paint your plans for the manufacturing or production operation. When you try to force your operation into a building with more restrictions – walls, beams, etc. – you will need to compromise your ideal design in order to make it work. As a result, the process that you run inside the building isn’t going to be as efficient, and you’ll be missing opportunities to save both time and money.   

Not only does a clear span building make it possible to design your ideal workflow in the space, but you can also make changes easily to that layout as time passes and your needs change. If you find that the original layout you created doesn’t work as well as you had hoped, or you start to produce something different and need to adjust, it will be no problem to do so.   

Get Production Started Quickly 

Time is money in business. The longer it takes you to get a building up and running for your operation, the more it will effectively cost to create that structure. This is another area where metal shines. With a simple construction process, your metal building should be in place in just a fraction of the time that it would have taken to create a wood structure of a similar size. A quick construction timeline makes everything easier and helps you start making money from your operation as soon as possible.   

Build with the Future in Mind  

Given the impressive durability of metal buildings, it would be a shame to build this clear span structure too small and have to come back and redo it or replace it later. Don’t just order a building that is barely going to fit what you plan to do at the moment – instead, think about the future and what you hope to accomplish. If you have plans to grow and expand, include space for that expansion within this new building so you can serve additional customers right away and keep your growth on track. The modest increase in the cost of building a larger structure will be more than worth it when you are able to avoid downtime or delays later on.   

Design Your Custom Clear Span Building 

When a large clear span is what you need, don’t look anywhere else – metal buildings are the way to go, and American Carports, Inc. is an industry leader for a reason. Thanks to many years in the business, a commitment to quality structures, and helpful customer service, and outstanding pricing, you simply have no reason to shop around. Take a moment today to start designing your building and put this project in motion!  
