Adding a detached garage is an excellent option if you live in a home without a garage – or, if you have an attached garage but simply need more space. There are many benefits to this type of addition, and the uses for your new space are virtually endless. Let’s use the space below to talk about four of the key considerations to keep in mind.
Having the right partner for this job is a key piece of the puzzle, but fortunately, you’ve already found the team you need. American Carports, Inc. has built quality detached metal garages for many past customers and we are ready to do the same for you. Utilize our Build & Price tool to explore design options and features, and take a moment to contact us if you have any questions. Don’t wait any longer to get started!
#1 – Determine the Right Size
Perhaps the single most important part of this project is figuring out exactly how big this new garage should be. At first you may consider building the largest structure your space can hold, but that plan can backfire. You might not like the finished product if your new garage is so big that the land feels cramped and crowded.
As you plan your layout, remember that you will need to leave space to move around the outside of the garage, pull vehicles in and out, and more. Take the time to mark off any area you are considering using for a garage with some stakes and string so you can see how the footprint will look in real life and decide if you need to make any adjustments.
#2 – Location Matters
If you have a large piece of property to work with, you might have several different sites on your property that could serve nicely for a new garage. If that is the case, you’ll need to weigh a couple of different factors when making your final choice.
On the one hand, you could opt to keep the garage pretty close to your house for convenience. With the garage only a few steps away, you can always head out there when you need something or want to work on a project. Proximity is a big deal for those who plan to use their garage frequently.
However, any noise you make in the garage will be easily heard in the house when you park yourself so close. Should you have plenty of loud activities planned for the garage, consider placing it further away on a part of the property where that noise won’t bother anyone.
#3 – Do You Need Power?
With a detached garage, you’ll have to decide whether or not you want to connect the new building to a power source so it can be wired up with lights, outlets, and more. Obviously, it’s nice to have power in the space, but an additional cost comes with taking that step. If you are only going to use the new garage for storage and nothing else, you might be able to get by without adding electricity. Of course, the matter of where you are going to place your garage will also play into your decision on power, as wiring up the garage will be far less expensive if it is placed close to the house.
#4 – Following the Rules
Whenever you add a new structure of any kind to your property, you need to ensure it meets all of the relevant zoning regulations for your area. Unless you live in a particularly rural area, you’ll probably need to have a permit for the job, and it will have to fall within certain limitations that govern things like the overall size of the building, setback rules from the property line, and more. As you might imagine, getting ahead of these issues and doing your research in advance is far better than trying to solve problems later on when you find out that you broke a rule.
Build Your Garage Today
No matter what uses you have in mind for your new detached garage, our garages are always durable, attractive, and affordable. So reach out today to put this process in motion. We look forward to hearing from you soon!