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How to Remove Mildew from Your RV’s Exterior

How to Remove Mildew from Your RV’s Exterior

It’s a reality for most RV owners that their rigs will sit idle for long periods during the year. Maybe you’re waiting for better weather before you take a trip, or you simply need some time off from work to explore the world. Whatever the case, it’s common for mildew to accumulate during these idle times, and you need to know how to remove that mildew properly to restore the condition of your RV before heading out on a new trip. Read on for some basic steps on how to easily remove mildew from your RV.

To help keep your RV in good condition between trips, you can also consider parking it under a roof – such as a metal RV carport from American Carports, Inc. Explore our free Build & Price tool to create a custom design for your structure. If you have any questions along the way, contact us. Our team is happy to help!

Why Should You Care?

On some level, mildew on the outside of your RV doesn’t seem like a big deal. Sure, it doesn’t look great, but if you aren’t too concerned about the cosmetics of your rig, you might think you can leave the mildew and go on about making your travel plans. Unfortunately, that plan won’t lead to a good outcome.

For one thing, mildew accumulation on your RV leads to exterior damage. When you do get around to taking it off, or when it comes off on its own, you might find that the paint has been damaged and the exterior shell has been compromised. It’s also possible that the mildew will start to work its way inside.

There is also an unpleasant odor that comes along with mildew. Even if the mildew is only on the outside, you can smell it while you are hanging out under the awning, and you might even smell it inside the RV while relaxing or trying to sleep. Any way you look at it, getting rid of the mildew promptly is your best bet.

Create a Plan

The first step involved in eliminating the mildew on your RV is thoroughly examining the rig to track down all areas of mildew that have developed. Take your time to walk around the RV, and consider using a ladder to get a closer look at the higher areas of the RV. For a large rig, use a notebook to write down where you found mildew so you can come back through and clean them up later.

With the areas of mildew identified, the next step is choosing the correct cleaning products. Here, you have a couple of options – you can purchase a premade product from an RV supply store that is specifically designed for this task. That will work nicely, of course, though it might be a little bit expensive. As an alternative, you can opt for a homemade solution such as spraying plain white vinegar on the affected areas. This is a proven, affordable method that should lead to excellent results. Leave the vinegar to sit on the surface for an hour or two, then scrub it off and rinse the area.

A Few Important Points

Before you dive into this job, remember that safety is always paramount when working on your RV. Be careful if you need to use a ladder, and find the flattest possible area to park the rig while working. Also, pick out a dry day to make sure your cleaning solution isn’t diluted before it can go to work on eliminating the mildew. With good weather on your side and enough time to work safely and patiently, you can check this task off your to-do list in soon enough. Removing the mildew from your RV doesn’t have to be a difficult job, but you do need to have the right tools and a little bit of spare time to do it right.

We hope the tips in this article on removing mildew are helpful. Feel free to reach out today for more information on the quality, affordable RV carports we have available to keep your vehicle looking its best!
