Author: clickgiant

Metal Storage Buildings for Businesses

Metal Storage Buildings for Businesses

For some businesses, there can never truly be enough storage. Just when it seems like you might finally have enough space for the supplies and products that you want to keep on hand, something else comes up, and your current solution becomes packed to the limit. Managing the storage battle is an ongoing challenge, but you might be able to turn the corner and get it under control with the help of a durable metal building from American Carports, Inc. 

There is a lot to like about using metal buildings for business storage, and we’ll outline some of those key points below. When you are ready to start this project, be sure to reach out to our team or check out our Build & Price tool to get started on your own. Either way, now is the time to put the wheels in motion and start working on a building that will help your business grow and thrive for years to come. 

Why Go With Metal Storage Buildings for Business?

As you think about adding a new storage building to your commercial property, you might think first about using wood as the building material of choice. To be sure, plenty of great buildings have been constructed with wood, and there are some advantages to using this material. However, when you take a closer look, the many benefits offered by metal are simply too much to ignore. 

What will you gain when you opt for metal? Consider the following –

  • Durability. Metal structures are incredibly durable, and you can count on getting excellent performance from yours for years to come. This is particularly true when you work with a trusted supplier like American Carports, Inc. on this project. 
  • Low-maintenance. Not only will the building last for a long time, but you’ll need to do very little along the way to keep it in good condition. This means you can keep significant maintenance costs from piling up on your budget, leading to a lower overall cost of ownership over the lifespan of the building. 
  • Flexibility. There are designs that are possible with a metal building that simply can’t be achieved easily with wood construction. The overall light weight of metal compared to wood means you can do things with the design of your metal building that wouldn’t be structurally sound with a wood version. 
  • Save money. Perhaps the most exciting point of all for a business owner is that a metal building can be significantly cheaper than a similar wood structure for a couple of reasons. First, metal tends to be more affordable than wood, so the materials cost should be lower. Also, construction is quicker with metal, meaning the labor costs of having the building completed are reduced. 

Careful Customization is Key

To get the performance you desire out of a new metal building, it’s important to customize it strategically from the start. Working with American Carports, Inc. will give you the opportunity to fully customize your order so the finished product fits nicely in the space you have available and serves your storage needs. 

One customization point to consider is the kinds of doors you want to include in the design. If large items are moved in and out of storage in this building, multiple big, roll-up doors will make a lot of sense. Also, if you or others spend time in the storage building regularly, adding some windows could make it more enjoyable. 

Trust a Proven Partner

There are plenty of businesses out there that are willing to sell you a new metal storage building for your business. Unfortunately, not all of them are going to deliver products that are up to your quality expectations, and you might not feel like you got your money’s worth in the end as a result. If you take on this kind of project, be sure to work with American Carports, Inc., as we have a proven track record of success in this industry. With a long list of satisfied customers to our credit, you can be sure the building we deliver will not only be exactly as you ordered, but it will be ready to stand the test of time. 

Now Is the Time

Are you ready to get started on this metal building project? Whether you already know what you want to create or are just in the initial stages, our team will be happy to help you bring together a plan that serves your needs. Thank you for taking the time to consider American Carports, Inc., and we look forward to working with you soon!

4 Considerations When Adding a Garage to a House

Considerations When Adding a Garage to a House

Adding a detached garage is an excellent option if you live in a home without a garage – or, if you have an attached garage but simply need more space. There are many benefits to this type of addition, and the uses for your new space are virtually endless. Let’s use the space below to talk about four of the key considerations to keep in mind.

Having the right partner for this job is a key piece of the puzzle, but fortunately, you’ve already found the team you need. American Carports, Inc. has built quality detached metal garages for many past customers and we are ready to do the same for you. Utilize our Build & Price tool to explore design options and features, and take a moment to contact us if you have any questions. Don’t wait any longer to get started!

#1 – Determine the Right Size

Perhaps the single most important part of this project is figuring out exactly how big this new garage should be. At first you may consider building the largest structure your space can hold, but that plan can backfire. You might not like the finished product if your new garage is so big that the land feels cramped and crowded.

As you plan your layout, remember that you will need to leave space to move around the outside of the garage, pull vehicles in and out, and more. Take the time to mark off any area you are considering using for a garage with some stakes and string so you can see how the footprint will look in real life and decide if you need to make any adjustments.

#2 – Location Matters

If you have a large piece of property to work with, you might have several different sites on your property that could serve nicely for a new garage. If that is the case, you’ll need to weigh a couple of different factors when making your final choice.

On the one hand, you could opt to keep the garage pretty close to your house for convenience. With the garage only a few steps away, you can always head out there when you need something or want to work on a project. Proximity is a big deal for those who plan to use their garage frequently.

However, any noise you make in the garage will be easily heard in the house when you park yourself so close. Should you have plenty of loud activities planned for the garage, consider placing it further away on a part of the property where that noise won’t bother anyone.

#3 – Do You Need Power?

With a detached garage, you’ll have to decide whether or not you want to connect the new building to a power source so it can be wired up with lights, outlets, and more. Obviously, it’s nice to have power in the space, but an additional cost comes with taking that step. If you are only going to use the new garage for storage and nothing else, you might be able to get by without adding electricity. Of course, the matter of where you are going to place your garage will also play into your decision on power, as wiring up the garage will be far less expensive if it is placed close to the house.

#4 – Following the Rules

Whenever you add a new structure of any kind to your property, you need to ensure it meets all of the relevant zoning regulations for your area. Unless you live in a particularly rural area, you’ll probably need to have a permit for the job, and it will have to fall within certain limitations that govern things like the overall size of the building, setback rules from the property line, and more. As you might imagine, getting ahead of these issues and doing your research in advance is far better than trying to solve problems later on when you find out that you broke a rule.

Build Your Garage Today

No matter what uses you have in mind for your new detached garage, our garages are always durable, attractive, and affordable. So reach out today to put this process in motion. We look forward to hearing from you soon!



How Much Value Does a Garage Add to a House?

How Much Value Does a Garage Add to a House?

When done right, adding a garage to your property can add significant value to a house. In this post, we’ll look at how much a garage might add in terms of value, and we’ll also talk about how you can ensure the garage you select meets your expectations.

First and foremost, you’ll want to work with the right company to get good results from your garage project, and that company is American Carports, Inc. We have everything you’ll need to create a beautiful new detached garage, and it all starts with our Build & Price tool. Explore customization options in that tool, and contact us directly if any questions come up.

How Much Value Does a Garage Add to a House?

Sadly, there is no way to answer this question with any kind of concrete figure. There are just too many variables involved to say that the new metal garage you add to your property will boost its value by a certain number of dollars or a certain percentage. Moreover, real estate markets are dynamic and forever changing, so what applies in one situation or circumstance simply might not be relevant in another.

But we can say this – adding a garage to your property will almost certainly have a positive impact on the home’s value. It’s hard to imagine a situation where the addition of a quality metal garage from American Carports, Inc. will lead to your property being worth less to prospective buyers. Whether that impact will be big or modest will depend on many things that are simply out of your control.

Make Sure It’s Useful

If you want to give yourself the best possible chance to enjoy a positive return on your investment when you eventually sell your new garage along with your property, you need to make sure it is going to have value to add for buyers. Generally speaking, that means making this new garage as versatile as possible. If you design it so it only really functions for your current needs, potential buyers probably won’t share those needs and they might look at the garage as more of a hassle than a benefit.

So, there is a fine line that you’ll want to walk with regard to customizing your structure. We make customization easy here at American Carports, Inc., so you can pick and choose the features you want to include in your design, along with basic elements like the footprint and height of the building. As you work on customizations, however, remember what future owners might want to do with the space and avoid doing anything too specific or limiting that might make it hard for others to use.

Consider Aesthetics

As you get started with this project, your primary aim is likely to make your property more functional. You may not currently have enough storage space for your needs, or you might want a garage where you can work on projects. It’s fine to start with the practical side of things, but aesthetics should enter the equation at some point, as well.

On the aesthetic side, you’ll want to make sure nothing about the new garage clashes or contrasts too dramatically with the existing house. You don’t have to match the paint colors perfectly – that might be nearly impossible, anyway – but you should consider how the two buildings will look together. To play it safe, consider using neutral, muted colors on your new garage so you don’t create an eyesore that prospective buyers won’t want to deal with later on.

Build Your Garage Today

You are unlikely to want to install a garage on your property purely for the sake of future resale value. Most likely, this project will be driven primarily out of the desire to have a useful garage space available for storage, projects, and more. With that said, if you create a garage with the help of American Carports, Inc., it can be useful to you in the years to come and also help you get more money in a sale. Turn to our team today to get started!

Who Makes the Best Metal Carports?

Once you’ve decided to build a metal carport on your property, the next decision is who to work with on this project. You’ll need to work with a carport provider you can trust, and none compare to what American Carports, Inc. has to offer.

Below we highlight the reasons why you should trust us with this important project. When you’re ready to take the first step, head over to our Build & Price tool to experiment with what is possible by working with us. To get help, contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

A Focus on Customization

The best metal carport is going to be the one that fits your needs perfectly. If you are forced to pick from predesigned options, you won’t get exactly what you want. After all, what are the odds that the carport company just happened to design something that is precisely what you had in mind?

With American Carports, Inc., that isn’t a problem. Our company emphasizes customization, so our customers can get exactly what they need. When the project is finished, and your new carport is in place on your property, it should precisely match up with the vision you had at the start. No one should have to compromise on this type of project, and you won’t need to when you work with us to create a new metal structure.

Delivery and Installation are Included

Once you have created a custom design that is right for your needs, and our in-house engineers have certified that design, we’ll get to work creating the components that will make up the carport. We have a detailed process in place to ensure that we produce accurate, quality components for each part of the building.

We also include delivery and installation with all our orders, so you won’t have to worry about a thing. The metal components will be delivered carefully to your property, and an experienced and knowledgeable team will construct the building. So forget about having to sort out shipping logistics or find a contractor – just order from American Carports, Inc., and know that you are in good hands.

Impressive Warranty Coverage

One of the big selling points for a metal building is the durability that such a structure can be expected to deliver. The nature of metal as a material tends to offer it impressive longevity, and it doesn’t even require much maintenance along the way to make that happen. So, when shopping for a carport or some other type of structure for your property, metal is appealing because of how long it lasts.

But we don’t ask you to take our word that these buildings will last a long time – we stand behind that word with warranty protection to cover your investment. That warranty is good for twenty years on 12-gauge materials, so you can look forward to many years ahead of reliable performance out of this structure.

Financing Options Make It Easy

While our buildings are competitively priced and more affordable than you might expect, we still want to offer some of the best financing options around. That’s why we have partnered with three companies to present financing solutions – RTO National, GreenSky, and Heartland. Explore these options and find a financing package that meets your needs and lets you get started on this project immediately.

Build Your Metal Carport Today

As you can see, there are many advantages to working with American Carports, Inc. On top of everything we discussed above, you’ll also enjoy a friendly experience when working with our team, who will make sure this is a win from start to finish. So, take a moment to design your own carport today, and let’s bring this vision to life! Contact us now.


Trailer Theft Prevention & What You Need to Know

A lock outside of a detached metal garage being used for trailer theft prevention.

One of the great things about owning a trailer is the convenience that it can provide. Once you have the proper hitch on your vehicle, you can back up into position, attach the trailer, and be on your way. But of course, if it’s that easy for you to tow your trailer away, it would be just as easy for a thief to do the same thing.

Trailer theft is a problem that can be addressed by taking steps to make it more challenging for someone to take off with your property. This article will highlight some tips that are easy to implement to keep your trailer safer starting immediately.

But remember, among the best trailer theft prevention methods is parking your trailer within a secured garage space. By locking the door between the would-be thief and the trailer, you’ll be making it much more difficult for you to be a victim. If you’d like to add a metal garage or shed to your property for trailer storage, American Carports, Inc. is the perfect partner for that project. Explore our Build & Price tool to discover the possibilities and receive a free estimate for your project!

Understanding the Strategy

The idea behind securing your trailer is to make it as difficult as possible for a potential thief to steal the trailer from your property. That isn’t to say that you are making it impossible, as there is no 100% guarantee someone won’t try. But if you make it hard enough, the thief will likely move on to look for an easier target.

If your trailer is parked outside on your property with no theft prevention measures, any steps you take to secure it will be a big move in the right direction. Unfortunately, too many trailer owners get overwhelmed by the many security options on the market and wind up doing nothing. Don’t make that mistake – even small steps can make a big difference.

Lock Up These Two Key Components

To secure your trailer, two primary areas should grab most of your attention – the hitch and the wheels. So let’s discuss each of those below.

The hitch

Without access to the hitch, a thief will be stuck in their tracks and be forced to move on. So, adding a hitch lock is a logical first step for trailer security. These products come in various shapes, sizes, and prices, so you can shop around for one that fits your needs. Even a basic model is better than nothing, as you’ll be putting a barrier between the hitch socket and whatever vehicle the thief was planning on using to tow the trailer away.

The wheels

Just as the trailer isn’t going anywhere if the thief can’t access the hitch, it also won’t go anywhere if the wheels won’t turn. Wheel locks are another accessory you might want to pick up and install on your trailer when it isn’t in use. Between a lock on one of the wheels and a lock on the hitch, a thief would have to work hard to succeed.

Both items discussed above are relatively small and can be stored away easily while using the trailer. But, of course, you’ll need to keep the keys close at hand so you can remove the locks when the time comes to put the trailer in motion again.

Parking Indoors Has Many Benefits

We already mentioned that parking your trailer inside of a garage is one of the best security steps you can take for your trailer. If you park the trailer inside a locked garage and then add a lock on the hitch or wheel, you’ll have a setup that most criminals will pass up to look for an easier target.

It should be noted, however, that having indoor parking for your trailer is not just about security. That might start out as your primary motivation, but you’ll soon realize that parking inside protects your trailer from the weather and gives you a place to perform maintenance comfortably. Depending on the design of your garage or shed, you might also be able to use it for storage purposes, aside from just trailer parking.

American Carports Has You Covered

We hope you enjoyed this guide on trailer theft prevention. While no single system or method is perfect when it comes to theft prevention, your best bet is to layer a few different techniques to make it as hard as possible for your trailer to be stolen.

And remember, if you’d like to add a metal garage or shed to your property for trailer storage, American Carports, Inc. is the perfect partner for that project. Explore our Build & Price tool to discover the possibilities, and contact our team if you have any questions along the way. Again, thank you for visiting our blog, and we hope to help you soon!

Your Complete RV Maintenance Checklist

An RV parked at a camp site under a bright, starry sky at night.

The fun part of owning an RV is traveling with friends and family to explore new places and spend time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. These are the experiences you have in mind when you purchase the RV, and you’ll create memories that will last a lifetime.

That said, it’s not all fun and games as an RV owner. You need to keep up with essential maintenance points to get the most out of your investment. Today, we want to use this article to present you with a detailed RV maintenance checklist to use as the months and years pass. With regular maintenance, you can make sure your rig is always ready for the next adventure you have in mind.

And while considering the critical topic of RV maintenance, it’s also worthwhile to consider how you store your RV while it is not in use. For that project, turn to American Carports, Inc. We offer durable and affordable metal RV carports to protect your RV from the elements. Try our Build & Price tool today to see what is possible, and feel free to contact us at your convenience to learn more!

The Value of Ongoing RV Maintenance

We want to start this article with a bit of motivation. When you understand how vital RV maintenance is, you’ll be far more likely to keep up with it over time. So, consider the points below as reasons not to fall behind on these tasks.

#1 It protects your money

No matter what type of RV you purchased, there was undoubtedly a significant price tag. Most RVs are well into the five-figure range, and plenty exceed six figures. Whatever the final sale price, you want to protect the money you put into your RV by keeping up with maintenance work. The more care you provide to your RV along the way, the longer you can expect it to serve you well.

#2 Avoid more significant repairs

Speaking of money, you can also protect your money by keeping your RV away from expensive repair work. Ongoing maintenance is one of the best ways to avoid more significant problems later.

#3 Enjoy your trips

When you are out on the road exploring new places, you don’t want to be dealing with maintenance and repair work. While some upkeep on the road is inevitable, keeping those chores to a minimum will be appreciated. If you stay ahead of the game on your maintenance tasks, you’ll be less likely to run into problems on your trips that need immediate attention. After all, the whole point of owning an RV is to have as much fun on your adventures as possible, and good maintenance practices set the stage for those enjoyable outings.

Between the money you can save and the enjoyment you can gain, staying motivated on RV maintenance tasks should be easy enough. In addition to having motivation, it’s also essential to be organized concerning RV upkeep so you know what you need to do and when you need to do it. Those two points will be the focus of the rest of this article.

Regular vs. Annual Maintenance

To get your mind around the many things that need to be done for your RV, it can help divide your maintenance tasks into two general categories. Most of the work you need to do (or have done) will fit neatly into one of these two groups, so this system works well for organizing your tasks.

The first maintenance category for your RV includes tasks that must be completed regularly. Regular maintenance includes ongoing tasks that must be done after every trip. These things will keep your RV in good condition and ensure it’s ready to use as soon as you are ready for another outing. Once you get into the habit of performing these duties, they’ll become second nature.

Our other category is tasks that only need to be performed periodically. Most of these items will fit nicely into an “annual” bucket. You’ll be in good shape if you do them once yearly, perhaps right before you store your RV for the off-season. There is no need to deal with these maintenance points after every trip, but you also can’t afford to forget about them entirely.

The Ongoing Maintenance Checklist

First, let’s review the list of ongoing maintenance points you’ll want to address after each trip you take.

Wash the RV

One of the core duties of an RV owner is to wash the RV regularly. Allowing dirt and grime to build up might not seem like a big deal, but it can cause significant issues in the long run. Washing your RV is far more than just cosmetic – regular washing will protect essential parts and help you to avoid problems and repairs later on.

Empty the kitchen

Leaving food items in the kitchen of your RV is a major no-no. Empty everything after each trip and take a moment to wipe down the surfaces and dump out the trash can. Leaving food items behind invites little critters to explore your rig.

Check your tires

You won’t need to do active maintenance on your tires after each trip, but you want to check their condition and confirm that plenty of tread is left and the air pressure is appropriate. Maintaining a steady tire pressure will help you get better gas mileage and will help to keep you safe on the road.

Flush the tanks

Regularly flush the tanks after your trips to avoid lingering odors that make your RV far less enjoyable to use. You can also use sanitation products in your tanks to clean them thoroughly and ensure they are in good condition and working correctly. A problem with one of your tanks can quickly turn an enjoyable trip into a major headache, so this is one of the critical points to monitor.

Shut the windows and doors

When the work above is complete, ensure everything is closed up and appropriately locked while the RV isn’t in use. Even if it’s only going to be a week or so before your next trip, closing things up will make it less likely that an unwelcome visitor will explore the inside of the RV.

Depending on the specific type of RV you own, and the age of that RV, you might find that you need to add to this maintenance checklist. However, it’s a good starting point, so use these points to get into the habit of caring for your RV and expand the list as you see fit to keep your rig in tip-top condition.

Annual RV Maintenance

Generally speaking, on your annual RV maintenance checklist, you want to monitor for your RV relate to more extensive systems that wear down gradually over time. These things should last for a while, but when they start to break down, they can be expensive to fix or replace. Going ahead with consistent maintenance on an annual basis on the points below will go a long way toward making your ownership experience a good one.

A detailed inspection

If you have stayed busy throughout the summer months going on various RV adventures, you might not have had much spare time to pay attention to the condition of your rig. However, the end of the season is an excellent opportunity to inspect everything on board carefully. This includes looking at the roof to check for damage, checking the seals for any cracking or peeling, etc. When you spot anything that looks like it could turn into a problem, determine if you can fix it yourself or if you’ll need professional help.

Add lubrication

The nature of RV design means there are many moving parts on board. On an annual basis, make it a point to lube any moving components that might have dried out over the year. Always refer to your owner’s manual to ensure the right lubrication type is used for this task.

Test various systems

You might find that you go on many trips without using certain RV parts. For example, if you’ve been camping primarily in warm weather, you might not have had any reason to turn on the heater. So, your annual maintenance period is a good time to turn on that heater and ensure it works correctly. In addition, any needed maintenance can be done at this time so you are sure the system is ready to go when the next travel season rolls around.

American Carports Has Your RV Covered

We hope you enjoyed this RV maintenance checklist! Performing maintenance on your RV might not be your favorite activity, but it will undoubtedly pay off in the long run. And, once you get into the habit of keeping up with specific maintenance tasks, you might find that they are pretty easy to complete – and you may even come to enjoy the process.

And remember, your maintenance life will be made easier by parking your RV under a roof when it is not in use. Explore our free Build & Price tool today to see what is possible, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions along the way. Again, thanks for visiting our blog, and we hope to serve you soon!

7 of the Best Camper Storage Ideas

Man and woman shopping together for plastic bins, one of the many creative storage solutions for campers!

Even the largest RVs come with limited storage space on board. As you start loading up the rig with clothes, cooking gear, food, recreational equipment, and more, that space will disappear quickly. So, it’s always important to save space where you can, making the most of every last square inch. Of course, you’ll get better at the skill of packing your RV strategically as you gain experience, but we’d like to help by offering some creative tips below. Read on to discover seven of the best camper storage ideas!

#1 Utilize Bins

Keeping your things in plastic bins or totes is one of the best ways to tame the packing beast. When you use containers, you can easily stack things that otherwise wouldn’t work well for stacking. Also, you can purchase containers of various sizes to fit every little nook and cranny you have available in your RV. Consider looking for bins with locking lids so you don’t have to worry about the tops popping off in transit. Also, clear containers make it easier to find what you are looking for quickly, so that’s another appealing feature.

#2 Store in the Shower

While shower storage might seem odd at first, it makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Unlike the shower in your home, you probably don’t use the shower in your RV all that often, and when you do use it, you are just rinsing off quickly. So why not put some things in there for storage that can easily be pulled out of the way? A few of the bins we mentioned above would be perfect candidates for storage in the shower space.

#3 Collapsible Trash Container

You certainly need a place to put your trash in the RV, but a regular trashcan may take up more space than you have to spare. Try using a collapsible container instead that you can set up while you are on your trip but can quickly be emptied and folded away when in transit from one place to another.

#4 Look for Shoe Solutions

You might find that you want to take a variety of types of shoes with you on RV trips, especially if you are exploring the outdoors. Many shoe storage options on the market are designed specifically for RVs, including hangers with slots for several pairs. These products are typically cheap and can be found on Amazon.

#5 Sticky Hooks

Add hanging hooks to your RV that stick onto the wall and can be pulled down anytime without leaving residue behind. These are a great way to hang towels in your bath or kitchen area or create a spot to leave the keys. Since these hooks are so affordable and easy to install, you might find yourself coming up with countless ways to use them.

#6 Keep Your Food Gathered

Earlier, we discussed using plastic bins for your various items, but you can also take the same approach for the food that goes with you on each trip. First, buy some shallow plastic containers that don’t need lids that will fit nicely in the pantry area of your RV. Then, each time you get ready for a trip, fill up those containers with the foods you want to take, and everything will be organized and under control when you arrive at your destination.

#7 Bring Fewer Things

Okay – so this last one isn’t a trick to get more out of your storage space, but rather a reminder that you probably don’t need to bring everything you planned on packing. Things will often go unused during a trip, so pay attention to the items that never seem to get used as the trips add up. Once you notice that certain things are never needed, leave them behind on future trips and open up some space for easier packing or other items you might enjoy.

The Perfect Home for Your RV

We hope the seven camper storage ideas above have motivated you to work on properly packing up your camper for your next trip! Once you implement some of these tips, along with your own unique solutions, you’ll be amazed at how much can fit on an RV without making it feel crowded or cluttered.

And, when your RV isn’t out on the road exploring new places, make sure it remains in good condition at home by parking it under a structure from American Carports, Inc. Explore our Build & Price tool to experiment with different features and configurations. And always, you are welcome to contact us at any time if you have any questions along the way! Thank you for visiting our blog, and we hope to help you soon!

Is It a Good Idea to Cover Your RV?

An RV camper parked outside near the ocean

Purchasing an RV is a significant investment. Depending on what size and type of RV you buy, it’s easy to spend in excess of six figures on your new rig. Of course, you get a lot for your money regarding experiences and enjoyment, but there is no downplaying the high costs of owning an RV.

Given those costs, it’s essential to protect an RV as much as possible, both while it is in use and storage. When in storage, you can cover the RV to keep it protected from the elements. But is it really a good idea to cover your RV? Let’s dive into that question in the article below.

The Short Answer: Yes

To cut right to the chase, it’s a good idea to cover your RV whenever possible. Even if you live in a relatively mild climate, the damage that local weather conditions can do to your RV will be significant. You may discover that you need to look into repairs sooner rather than later just because of what happened while your RV was sitting still. The potential threats are many, including the following:

UV rays

The sun beating down on your RV can dry out essential parts like seals and gaskets. It will also quickly fade the appearance of your RV’s exterior, causing it to age prematurely.

Rain and snow

While your RV is designed to keep water out, you don’t want to force it to do that work any more often than is necessary. By covering the RV, you won’t put it under undue stress while parked, and you can let it work hard when you are traveling, and it needs to be out in the open.

Falling debris

If you live on a property with plenty of trees, you need to consider things like falling leaves and branches. Even if it’s only a pile of leaves that builds up on your RV’s roof, that pile could become a home for pests, and soon you’ll have an unwanted problem.

Temperature control

It should also be mentioned that covering your RV will help moderate the temperature inside of the rig while parked. During the summer, an uncovered RV can get extremely hot inside, and that heat can damage various parts and systems. So no matter how you look at it, covering your RV is a wise move.

Two Unique Options

Once you decide that you would like to cover your carport, the next step will be to determine how you will make that happen. Two standard options are buying a cover or creating a covered parking spot.

Buying a cover for your RV is cost-effective, but it doesn’t offer the same protection as covered parking. With a cover, you have to deal with the hassle of climbing up onto the RV to stretch it over the rig, and then you have to undo that whole procedure when the time comes to take your next trip. Also, this type of soft cover doesn’t provide any meaningful protection from something like a falling branch or even a hailstorm that could damage the top of the RV.

When covering your RV, everything you want regarding performance is delivered by building a large carport tall enough to park your rig under. With this approach, you pull the RV into place under the roof, lock the doors, and you are all set. Neither the sun nor the rain will be able to beat down on the top of the RV, and the roof will catch any falling branches before they can strike the RV itself. And, since no cover is stretched over the exterior, you can access the inside of the RV at any time to start packing up, retrieve items you forgot, or do maintenance work.

American Carports Has You Covered

So, is it a good idea to cover your RV? We hope this blog helped answer that question! As you can see, protecting your RV from what Mother Nature has in store is a great way to maintain its condition and extend its useful life. While buying a fabric cover that can be stretched over the RV is one option that will provide some benefits, nothing works as well as putting a roof over the RV. If you need help with this exciting project, turn to American Carports! Our structures are easy to customize using our Build & Price tool, meaning you can create one that is the ideal size and shape for your RV and your property.

The Best Push Mower Storage Ideas for 2023

A push mower sitting outside: vulnerable to the elements, it seeks a safe home in a metal structure.

For the average homeowner, a mower is one of the trickiest things to store effectively. There are a couple of different problems that you’ll encounter when looking for a storage spot for this tool – the shape and the mess. A mower is quite long from front to back when you consider the length of the handle, and when you have finished mowing the yard, the blade and housing will be covered in a mat of grass. With all of that said, parking your mower outside isn’t a great solution, either. It’s a little bit unsightly, and the condition of the mower may quickly degrade when left out in the elements.

This article explores some of the best push mower storage ideas for 2023 to make your life a bit easier. And remember, if that solution involves a new metal structure on your property, American Carports, Inc. is the easy choice for such a project. Explore our Build & Price tool to customize your new shed or detached garage. If you have any questions, our team is always happy to help!

#1 Build a Shed

Without a doubt, the best place to store a push mower is in a shed in your yard. The advantages to this approach are many, including the following:

Convenient access

The yard is where you use your mower, so it only makes sense that you would want to store it in the same place. Then, when you are ready to mow the lawn, you can simply open the shed, pull out the mower, and get to work. When the job is finished, you tuck it away and close the door. This simplicity will make the whole chore of mowing the lawn feel far less of a hassle than it might be currently.

Space for other things

Your mower will only be one of many landscaping tools and supplies you can keep in this shed. Once you have it all set up, your shed will be a one-stop shop for everything you need to take care of your yard and have it look great all year round.

Contain the mess

Most of the tools you use to care for your property, including the mower, will be rather messy after you use them. Sure, you’ll want to clean them off before putting them away, but you don’t want to go through a full cleaning ritual every time. By having a shed that is dedicated to the storage of landscaping equipment, you can allow it to get a bit dirty without a worry.

If you add a shed to your property, look for a convenient spot that is also off to the side and out of the way. Depending on the shape and size of your lot, the side of the house tends to work well. That way, you won’t have to look right at the shed when you step out the back door, but it will be close at hand and ready to use when needed.

#2 Park It in the Garage

If a shed is not a suitable option, consider parking your lawnmower in the garage while it is not in use. For most people, the garage is a space that serves many different purposes, including the storage of various types of items. By keeping a spot on the side of the garage open for mower parking, you can roll up the door and push it in when the yard work is done for the day.

One problem you might experience with this plan is the smell that a lawnmower can produce. Unless you get all of the grass off the mower after each use, some grass will dry on the mower – and drying grass tends to smell pretty bad. So, if you like to use your garage for other things and don’t want it to stink, carefully cleaning the mower deck will be required.

#3 Buy a Cover

Finally, you could leave your mower outside with a fabric cover to keep the rain away. While a cover is the least effective option discussed in this article, it’s still better than nothing. On the plus side, these covers are affordable, so you won’t have to spend much money to add at least a little protection to your mower as it sits near the house, waiting for the next mowing day to arrive.

American Carports Has You Covered

We hope you enjoyed this blog on the best push mower storage ideas for 2023! Don’t let another summer go by with push mower storage being a source of frustration on your property. Instead, turn to American Carports, Inc. to add a quality, durable metal shed that can act as a comfortable home for your mower and many other landscaping tools.

Explore our Build & Price tool to get started today. Thank you for stopping by our blog; we hope to help you soon!