Author: clickgiant

RV & Camper Storage Ideas

If you own an RV or camper, you know one thing to be true—your rig spends a lot of time in storage. Sure, you’d love to be out exploring the countryside more often, but real life tends to get in the way. Even if you spend a few weeks per year on trips, you’ll still be storing your RV more often than not. That said, having a good storage plan in place can make RV life more convenient, and it can help keep your RV in better condition for years to come. Take a look at these RV and camper storage ideas to get started.

Need a reliable cover for your RV? American Carports, Inc. offers affordable, fully customizable metal RV carports. Shop now!

Don’t Make These Mistakes

To get started, we are going to highlight a few mistakes that you’ll want to avoid when storing your RV or camper:

  • Leaving the windows open. If you get back from a trip on a beautiful summer day, you might have the windows open in the RV while you are cleaning it out and getting it ready to be stored for a while. That’s great – just don’t forget to close them when you are done. Leaving the windows open will invite water inside, and that’s never good news.
  • Forgetting perishable food. You might be able to leave a few staples in the RV, such as canned goods, but you’ll want to take almost everything else out when it comes to your food supply. Leaving perishable items behind can make for an unwelcome surprise before your next trip, and you may even attract some critters (if they can find a way in).
  • Not locking the door. Even if your RV or camper is parked on your property, you can’t assume it will always be safe. Get in the habit of locking the door while it is stored so no one is able to easily let themselves in.

Park in a Covered Spot

Establishing a covered parking spot for your RV will go a long way toward protecting its condition. While RVs are designed to be exposed to the elements, leaving them out in the weather all year long is just asking for premature deterioration. If you can add a metal RV carport to your property, you’ll have an affordable solution that will keep your RV out of the weather and in great condition for upcoming trips.

Keep the Curtains Up

Hopefully, you will be able to keep any unwanted moisture out of your RV while it is stored. That’s the goal, but real life isn’t always so kind. Keep the curtains up in your RV while it is parked so sunlight can get in during the day. If there are some damp spots, the sunlight may prevent the development of mold. Of course, in addition to leaving the curtains up, it’s also a good idea to check in on the RV from time to time to make sure it’s staying dry inside.

Think Like a Rodent

As you get ready for a long period of storage, take a careful look around the exterior of your RV and seek out spots that might let little critters inside. Remember, small rodents and other animals can often squeeze through very tight spaces, so even the smallest crack could be an issue. Seal the rig up to the best of your ability to keep rodents out and to prevent yourself from finding an unwanted surprise when spring rolls around.

Consider the Condition of Your Tires

This tip doesn’t apply to campers, but it is important for any RV that has tires, such as a motorhome or trailer. When you store the rig for a long period of time, that period of inactivity can be hard on your tires. RV tires are expensive to replace, so it’s in your best interest to care for them while in storage.

For starters, check the air pressure and make sure there is plenty of air in the tires before you leave it parked (the air pressure might be a bit low after a long trip). Also, try to move the vehicle from time to time during the storage period to alter which portion of the tire is resting on the ground. Finally, do what you can to keep the tires out of direct sunlight, as the UV rays are hard on the rubber. If needed, you can purchase tire covers to help guard against sun damage.

Order a Metal Carport from American Carports, Inc.

A metal RV carport is one of the top RV and camper storage ideas to provide your vehicle with the shelter it deserves. Keeping the rain, snow, and sun off your RV while it is stored will help preserve its condition and should cut down on maintenance requirements down the road. Plus, with American Carports, Inc., you can customize your RV carport exactly to your liking with our Build & Price tool so that it meets your exact needs. We look forward to serving you!

Effective Firewood Storage Ideas

If you use firewood frequently through the winter months, you’ll need a place to store it so that it stays safe and dry. Those who use a wood-burning fireplace as their main source of heat during the cold part of the year will use a significant amount of wood, so having a spacious storage option is desirable. Here, we’d like to highlight some helpful and effective firewood storage ideas that should make it easier for you to keep your firewood organized and ready to burn.

We sell more than just carports at American Carports, Inc. Our fully customizable structures can be designed to fit your exact needs with our Build & Price tool. Try it today!

Separate but Close

Storing firewood is a tricky task because you want to keep it close to your home for convenience, but not too close. Big piles of wood tend to attract a variety of critters, so you don’t want to store the wood right next to your house. Rather, it would be better to store it in a separate structure that is close enough to the house to still be convenient on those cold winter mornings.

A small metal outbuilding like a storage shed or carport is a perfect solution to this problem. These kinds of buildings are affordable to construct, can be placed in a variety of locations, and require very little in terms of maintenance. Also, by going with a metal building, you won’t have to worry about those critters doing any damage to the structure itself. The size of the building you select will depend on how much wood you need to store, of course, but this idea can work for a variety of needs.

It’s All About the Stack

There is an art to stacking firewood, so it’s beneficial for you to learn a little about the best methods to handle this task. Piling up your firewood in a messy heap in the middle of the floor is just asking for trouble. This causes the wood on the bottom to stay wet, and it gives small animals endless places to hide.

The right way to stack firewood is to give each piece as much room to breathe as possible. You want the wood to be dry when it comes time to burn it, and wood needs air circulation if it is going to dry out. Another key point is to make sure you resist the temptation to stack your pile too high without the right support. A tall stack of firewood could turn into a serious safety risk if it tips over at the wrong time. Consider using a firewood rack to keep your wood organized and in place.

Limit Other Uses

It might be tempting to get multiple uses out of your firewood storage building by adding other items to the space. However, it’s best to avoid this temptation and keep the area clear instead. There are a couple of problems with storing other things near your firewood, and the first is simple convenience. If you pile up other items in the space, it’s going to be hard to access the wood when you need it. Also, a pile of firewood is a potential fire hazard, so you don’t want to collect it next to anything that could be flammable or contribute to the ignition of a dangerous fire.

Only Bring in What You Need

On a winter day when the weather is good, you might be tempted to pull a weeks-worth of wood off of your pile and bring it into the house. That would save you work later on, but it would also come with some significant downsides. In addition to cluttering up your house, you’d certainly be bringing plenty of new guests in with you–and most of them have eight legs. Spiders love woodpiles, and some will come in with each load. By bringing in a big pile that is going to sit for a few days, those spiders will have a chance to dispense to various parts of your home.

The other concern with bringing in so much wood is that the wood won’t be able to dry out properly while inside. If you have green wood, that wood needs to dry in an environment that is not as warm and humid as your house. Leave it outside in covered storage until it’s ready to be used.

Work with American Carports, Inc. Today!

We hope these effective firewood storage ideas assist you! If you decide to add a new structure to your property to keep your firewood out of the elements, American Carports, Inc. would be happy to serve you. Our metal structures are a perfect choice for firewood storage, as they are affordable, durable, and can be installed quickly. Start customizing your structure with our Build & Price tool to get started!

Creative Pool Shed Ideas

If you have a pool on your property, you probably have—or would like to add—a pool shed to store the various supplies needed to use and maintain it. Pool sheds can range from small structures that house only the basics, to larger buildings that contain just about everything you could ever need. Optimizing your pool shed space can reduce clutter, make maintenance easier, and improve the overall pool experience. But, before you add a new structure to your yard, take a look at the creative pool shed ideas listed below.

We sell more than just carports at American Carports, Inc. Our fully customizable structures can be designed to fit your exact needs with our Build & Price tool. Try it today!

Function and Pleasure

One of the best ways to get value from your pool shed is to blend its basic functions with some “creative comforts” for your enjoyment of the space. For instance, you could create a shed that has storage in the back and a covered area in the front where people can relax and get a break from the sun. With some outdoor furniture placed under the covered portion, you would instantly have a great hangout spot near the pool for those who aren’t swimming. For instance, if placed properly, this could be a perfect place for parents to sit while keeping an eye on the kids who are in the pool.

Divided Storage Space

If you are going to use your pool shed for nothing more than storage, you might want to divide the space into two sides. This way, it can serve as both a pool shed and a garden shed. On one side of the shed, you will keep items like pool maintenance equipment and supplies, while the other side will house shovels, rakes, pots, and maybe even a lawnmower. This approach allows you to get all the storage you need in a single structure, saving space and money at the same time.

Add Modular Plastic Shelves

An empty shed structure isn’t going to be particularly effective for storage purposes. This setup will likely end with everything getting tossed onto the floor, and it will soon be a cluttered mess. So, to avoid that result, you will want to add some modular shelving right away.

Plastic is a great choice for this task for a couple of reasons. First, many items you’ll need to store for the pool are pretty light, so the plastic shelves should handle those items just fine. Heavier objects can stay on the ground. Also, plastic will hold up in the damp environment of a pool shed just fine, and it should last better in the long run over metal or wood options.

Utilize the Outside of the Shed

On the exterior of the shed, it might be possible to add a couple of extra touches that will make it even more useful. For instance, if the shed is within close proximity to the pool, you could add some hooks that can hold towels and extra clothes while people are swimming. This is just a small touch, but it makes the pool experience more convenient than having to toss things on the ground or find a chair that isn’t being used. Also, the exterior of the shed can be used to brighten up the space through the use of bold color choices. Even if your pool shed is about function more than anything else, you can still make it a valuable piece of the landscape design by picking the right colors and overall style.

Establish a Walkway

It’s bound to happen that you will be in the middle of a swim session when you realize that you forgot to get something out of the shed. In that case, you’ll have to walk with wet feet over to the shed to retrieve what you need. To prevent this, consider designing the space in such a way that the walk is as comfortable and convenient as possible.

You don’t want to put a stretch of dirt or gravel between the pool and the shed since those would be messy or uncomfortable with wet feet. Ideally, the ground surface will be finished all the way from the pool to wherever the shed is located, with something like concrete or patio pavers. Even walking across grass would be an acceptable solution, although that could get messy as well, depending on the weather.

Order a Metal Shed Today!

We hope you’ve been inspired by these creative pool shed ideas! A small metal building from American Carports, Inc. would make a great choice for your new pool shed. Our structures are durable, attractive, and affordable—everything you need for this project. And, thanks to our handy Build & Price tool, you can customize the structure to suit your needs perfectly. Start designing your pool shed now!

Creative Shed Bar Ideas

When you think of a shed, you probably picture a space filled with landscaping tools, flowerpots, overflow items, etc. That kind of shed might be appealing to some people, but to others, they may see it as nothing other than a reminder of all the chores they need to finish up. If you aren’t big into gardening and would rather spend your time relaxing with a cold drink in hand, a shed bar may be right up your alley. Take a look at these creative shed bar ideas to learn more!

We sell more than just carports at American Carports, Inc. Our fully customizable structures can be designed to fit your exact needs with our Build & Price tool. Try it today!

What’s a Bar Shed?

As the name suggests, this is a shed space that you turn into a bar for your family and friends to enjoy. The specifics from that point are up to you—it could be rather minimal in design, it could be extravagant, or it could be just about anything in between. You may be able to convert your existing shed into a bar, or you might decide to build a new structure for this purpose.

The appeal of a bar shed is having a space that’s separate from your home to relax. For many people, adding a bar to their main house won’t be an option due to a lack of space, so a shed bar is a good alternative. Or, even if you do have the space, you might decide that placing your bar in a shed is a better choice so that you can make a bit more noise than you could in the house.

An Indoor-Outdoor Design

One of the most interesting ways to design your shed bar is to set it up as an indoor-outdoor combination. With this kind of design, you’ll have the bar itself on the inside–where you keep your drinks and your supplies–while you’ll have seating on the outside. Depending on the kind of shed you’re working with, the doors could open up wide to bring the inside and outside together, or you could have a pass-through like a large window.

Repurpose Everything

If you’re thinking of building a shed bar because of its affordable cost, consider finding all the supplies you need among items that are no longer in use to continue to save money. Look online for items that people are simply giving away. You might be surprised at how easy it is to find items like stools, tabletops, decorations, and more. Creating your shed bar this way will not only save money, but it will give the space a unique feel and an interesting backstory.

Include Games

The main draw of your shed bar might be the drinks, but games are a great way to encourage others to stick around awhile. Darts are a pub classic that would fit in well in this kind of space, but make sure you can set the board up in a safe spot. If you’re going with an indoor-outdoor design, you could opt for cornhole as a yard game that can be played in front of your bar. Cornhole is a good choice because the boards and bags can be stored away easily inside the shed when not in use.

Part of a Bigger Plan

It’s wise to think of your shed bar not as a standalone feature on your property, but rather as part of a larger outdoor living plan. Since your shed itself probably isn’t big enough to bring a whole party inside the space, there will be some spillover into the surrounding area in most cases. By placing your shed carefully near a patio, deck, or another gathering spot, it can become the hub of a get-together that lasts all day and into the night.

Taking It to a New Level

You could have plenty of fun with a basic shed bar that doesn’t go much beyond some stools, a bar, and some drinks kept in a cooler. However, if you want to elevate the experience, you can add modern touches that will make your shed more like a real bar. For instance, you might add plumbing so that you can have running water inside the shed, which will open up many more drink possibilities. Also, you could bring in an electrician to wire the shed for power and add even more features like lights and a TV. Of course, if you do take these kinds of steps, be sure to get the proper permits and have the work done by a licensed professional.

Order Your Shed Today!

These creative shed bar ideas are sure to make your structure the life of the party. But, while the prospect of having a shed bar on your property is certainly exciting, it isn’t going to happen on its own. The first step to make this dream a reality is to build the shed–and that’s where American Carports, Inc. can help! Use our Build & Price tool to customize every aspect of your structure and design the ideal bar space. It’s that easy to take the first step in this exciting project!

Metal vs Vinyl Shed: Pros & Cons

Are you thinking about adding a shed to your property? The addition of a shed can open up space in your garage that was previously occupied by tools and supplies. Or, if those tools had been living outside, getting them into a shed will protect their condition and help them last much longer. Given the modest cost of a shed, this is an investment that will pay off many times over.

Two of the main materials for building a new shed are metal and vinyl. While each of these options has som enice advantages, we think you’ll find a metal shed to be the better pick in the long run. Let’s take a look at a few of the pros and cons related to this decision.

Both Offer Low Maintenance

A “pro” for each of these options is the lack of maintenance. Both metal and vinyl sheds have very low maintenance requirements, which is surely something that you will appreciate as time goes by. When you buy your shed from a reputable supplier such as American Carports, Inc., you will receive a quality product that can largely be left alone and trusted to do its job.

You may want to simply wash the outside of your shed from time to time depending on where it’s located, but that’s about it. The only other maintenance point to keep in mind is that you’ll want to check for signs of animals on occasion, just to make sure no little critters are taking up residence in your shed.

A Security Advantage

It’s an unfortunate reality that you need to consider security when buying your next shed. You want to keep everything inside of the shed safe, which means keeping unwanted people outwith a secure lock and a door that is tough to pry open. On this point, you are likely to find much more success with a metal shed, as the structure of the shed is stronger and will put up a better fight against a burglar. Most vinyl sheds do have a spot on the front door for a lock, but that might not be enough to prevent tampering.

Vinyl Shed Assembly Issues

In some cases, you might find that it is difficult to properly assemble a new vinyl shed without creating some gaps and spaces. Even when these kinds of sheds are produced by good companies,there are still tolerance variances in the manufacturing process that can lead to difficulty with proper assembly. This is simply the nature of the material, and it’s something that buyers of vinyl sheds will need to deal with.

On the other hand, you can expect your metal shed to fit together tightly right from the start. It is easier for manufacturers to cut metal panels to the perfect dimensions, so the end result is a shed that is free from annoying gaps that compromise how it functions.

Hot Weather Trouble

Yet another point that allows metal sheds to stand out above vinyl sheds is the way they are able to handle hot conditions. Yes, a metal shed is going to get warm when sitting out in the sun, but the structure itself will not be affected. That stands in contrast to a vinyl shed, which actually may warp. If you live in a climate where hot days area common occurrence in the summer, a vinyl shed probably is not going to be the right pick for you.

The Look

While beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, most would agree that a quality metal shed has a visual advantage over a vinyl shed of a similar shape and size. If you pick the right colors for your metal shed using our Build & Price Tool,it can blend naturally into your landscape without taking anything away from the other design choices you’ve made on your property. It’s hard to accomplish the same thing with a vinyl shed, so you may always feel that it stands out like a sore thumb.

Order Your New Shed Today!

We hope you consider the pros and cons of metal and vinyl sheds before deciding which structure is best for your property. Another note to keep in mind is that American Carports, Inc. offers fully customizable metal structures. Whether you want to build a small metal shed or a much larger building, you can create your perfect structure with our Build & Price Tool. Plus, thanks to the durable nature of our products, you can expect a shed ordered from American Carports, Inc. to stand strong on your property for years to come. Let’s get started on this project today!

Top Benefits of a Detached Garage

Having access to a garage on your property can make life a little easier. Garages are great for many things, including vehicle parking, storage, workshops, and more. And, depending on the size and design of your garage, there is little limit to what can be accomplished within.

But is there really much difference between an attached and a detached garage? An attached garage is part of the main structure on the property, while a detached garage is a separate building that stands on its own. Although there are pros and cons to both, we’d like to highlight some of the top benefits of a detached garage.

An affordable metal garage from American Carports, Inc. is a great investment for your property. Use our Build & Price Tool to fully customize your carport, view a 3D rendering, and receive an instant quote!

Pick the Perfect Spot

With an attached garage, you are locked in on the location of that garage. It is connected to your home, so you aren’t going to be able to move it to a spot that would be more desirable or more convenient. Of course, that’s not the case with a detached garage, as you can place it anywhere that you would like on your property (as long as you conform to local codes and restrictions).

For instance, if you plan to park in this detached garage, you can place it in a spot that will be convenient to access from the street. Or, if it will be used to store equipment that you use on your property, you can put it in the right spot for that application. Most likely, if you are thinking about a detached garage, you already have a location in mind that will be perfect for your needs.

Open Up Design Possibilities

If you are in the process of building a new home and are trying to settle on a design, you’ll have many more options at your disposal if you commit to a detached garage rather than including the garage in the home’s layout. In many cases, the only viable vehicle access to the house is from the front, meaning the garage has to be in the front as well. This look may not appeal to many home buyers or builders since the garage takes up so much of the front of the home.

Remove the Noise

Another potential issue with an attached garage is the noise that may be generated when working on projects. If you plan to do anything noisy in your garage–such as working on vehicles or using power tools and machines–all the sounds you produce might become a nuisance for those in the house. This issue could wind up limiting how often you use your garage, since you won’t want to bother people in the house who are trying to sleep, eat, study, etc. Having your workshop in a detached garage space will take the noise away from the house and should eliminate this problem altogether.

Remove Unpleasant Aromas

Depending on what you plan to do in the garage, it might be nice to work in a detached space so that you can keep any unwanted smells away from the house. For example, painting can put fumes in the air that are not only unpleasant to smell, but also unhealthy. You might not want the smells that come from working on vehicles – such as rubber and oil – to make their way into your house either.

Design the Space Perfectly

By ordering a detached garage building from American Carports, Inc., you’ll be able to customize the space to suit exactly what you have in mind. This could be anything from a single-car garage space to a huge four-car design. Where an attached garage is limited by the design of the house, a detached garage is only limited by the space you have available and your budget for the project. With the right garage, you won’t have to hold back on your projects anymore – the sky is the limit!

Order Your Detached Garage Today!

These are the top benefits of a detached garage. If you’re ready to commit to this option, American Carports,Inc. makes it easier than ever to add a detached garage to your property. By opting for a metal garage, you can keep the cost of this project down and speedup the timeline for completion. Not only that, but our buildings are fully customizable in terms of size and features, so you can create a finished product that is perfect for your needs. Use our Build and Pricetool to design the ideal structure for your property!

Key Benefits of Keeping Your Car in a Garage

For car owners, there are two basic options for where you can park—outside, or in a garage. However, some people may not have indoor parking, but the option to add a metal garage structure to your property is an affordable choice that provides your car with covered protection. But, is this option worth it? Are there enough benefits to parking inside to justify the addition of a new building? Let’s take a closer look at the key benefits of keeping your car in a garage.

An affordable metal garage from American Carports, Inc. is a great investment for your property. Use our Build& Price Tool to fully customize your carport, view a 3D rendering, and receive an instant quote!

Protect the Condition of Your Vehicle

This is likely the most important point of all, so it’s a good place to start. When you park inside night after night, you protect your vehicle from the elements. Just about anything that Mother Nature brings to your area could potentially damage your car, including the blazing sun, pouring rains, freezing temperatures, piles of snow, and more. You’ll feel good going to bed at night knowing your vehicle is tucked away safely in the garage.

One of the tricky things about this point is that the wear and tear from being parked outside isn’t going to show itself in any sudden, obvious ways–at least, not in most cases. Rather, it will be the cumulative effect of the weather beating down on your vehicle that could potentially shorten its lifespan. If you’d like to get the longest possible life out of your car, parking in a garage is the way to go.

A More Comfortable Experience

No matter where you live, there are sure to be times of the year when getting in and out of your vehicle is an uncomfortable experience if you park outside. For instance, if you live in a hot part of the country, getting into your vehicle late in the afternoon in the middle of the summer will not be fun. Everything will be scorching hot, and you will probably break into a sweat even before the air conditioner has a chance to do its job. If you were parked in a garage, though, this wouldn’t be a problem. The car may still be a bit warm, but it would be out of the direct sun, so sitting down behind the wheel wouldn’t be such an unpleasant task.

The story is much the same in the middle of winter in a cold climate. In fact, it might be even worse. If you walk out of the door to head for work long before the sun is going to rise,your car is going to be absolutely frigid. There may be snow or ice to clear off the windshield, and you’ll be chilled to the core while waiting for the heater to get going. Your mornings would be far more enjoyable if you could just open the garage door, start the engine, and be on your way.

Maintenance and Upkeep

If you are the type of car owner who likes to manage some maintenance tasks on your own, like changing the oil or swapping out air filters, it will be nice to have your vehicle in a garage. This is because you’ll have a controlled, weather-protected space in which to work,and the floor should be relatively level. As long as you keep your garage clean enough to move around the vehicle with ease while working on it, this will be a nice space to get your tasks completed.

Also, being inside is a nice environment for cleaning your car from time to time. It’s a good idea to go through your vehicle periodically to remove garbage, vacuum the carpets, wipe down the dash,etc. You don’t have to be parked in a garage to do these jobs, but it will make it a little easier to be closer to your equipment. It always feels good to sit down in your vehicle for a long drive and find that your surroundings are clean and tidy, so get into the habit of periodic cleanings while parked in your new garage.

Enclosed Metal Garages from American Carports, Inc.

Now that we have established the key benefits of keeping your car in a garage, the next step is an easy one–contact American Carports, Inc. to order your new structure. We offer complete customization with our Build & Price Tool, so you can create a steel garage that is going to fit on your property and serve your needs perfectly. We are excited to assist you!

How Much Value Does a Carport Add to a Home?

When you start a new project on your property, you probably aren’t focused on the long-term value of that work. Mostly, you’re thinking about the improved function of your property once the job is done. For instance, you’ll have more covered space after you add a carport, allowing you to park out of the elements and store more items. However,it’s also smart to consider what this kind of project will mean to the value of your home and property. So, how much value does a carport add to a home?

An affordable metal carport from American Carports, Inc. is a great investment for your property. Use our Build & Price Tool to fully customize your carport, view a 3D rendering, and receive an instant quote!

Make a Logical Addition

When we talk about adding value, we’re really referring to increasing the appeal of your property in the eyes of potential buyers. After all, a property–or anything else–is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. With that in mind, make sure your carport addition makes sense given the other features and location of your home.

For instance, if you live on a relatively small lot in the city, adding a carport suitable for a large RV might not be the best choice. The market for large RVs doesn’t overlap much with the market for a small home in the city, so finding the right buyer down the line could be tough. On the other hand, a small carport for a city dweller to park their family sedan out of the weather could be a great selling point.

It Needs to Be High-Quality

A low-quality carport isn’t going to add any value at all to your property. In fact, it might even reduce the perceived value in the eyes of a buyer, since they may soon need to replace or remove that old, worn-out carport. This is why it is important to buy from a respected supplier like American Carports, Inc. When you buy from us, you’ll receive a durable carport that will stand the test of time.

The Math is Complicated

It’s virtually impossible to assign a dollar amount that a carport could add to the value of your property, simply because there are so many variables at play. Not only do you need to add a quality carport that makes sense for your market, but you’ll also need to place it smartly on the property, so it fits nicely with the surroundings. And, even if you do everything right, you can’t control the market and what buyers will be looking for when you do decide to sell. So, while it is easy to see that a carport can add value to your home, it’s harder to say just how much you will gain in the end.

Cover Your Legal Bases

Many people skip over some of the legal requirements, like filing for a permit when they erect a carport. This can be a particularly costly mistake when you decide to sell. As you go through the process of selling your home to another individual, things like permits will be carefully checked. If you don’t have everything you need for the carport that was added, you’ll be left with a headache and an expensive hassle. Deal with the legal side of this project upfront so nothing comes back around later to get in your way.

Ongoing Care

Finally, it’s important to point out that your carport is only going to add value if it remains in good condition as the years go by. Buying a quality product from American Carports, Inc. is a great start, but it’s up to you to take proper care of the structure moving forward. Fortunately, metal buildings like our carports are relatively low maintenance, so it should be easy to keep in good shape. Treat your carport well, and it will offer years of trustworthy service in return.

Now is the Time!

While it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how much value a carport adds to your home, it often offers a great return on your investment. If you’re ready to add a carport to your property, use our Build & Price Tool to fully customize your new structure, view a 3D rendering, and receive an instant quote! We look forward to serving you.

Essential Home Boat Storage Ideas

Owning a boat can be a ton of fun when you’re out on the water. However, when it comes to storage, it’s not all fun and games. In fact, there’s quite a bit of work involved in storing a vessel the proper way. To keep your boat in great condition all year long, consider these essential home boat storage ideas.

An affordable metal carport or garage from American Carports, Inc. provides the perfect storage solution for your boat. Use our Build & Price Tool to fully customize your structure, view a 3D rendering, and receive an instant quote!

Two Types of Boat Storage

It’s important to differentiate between the two types of boat storage. First, there’s summer storage, which will accommodate the boat in between uses. Then there’s long-term winter storage, assuming you live in a climate where the winter months make boating a no-go.

For summer storage, you’ll want to have a safe, secure place to park your boat, such as a carport. Getting this kind of structure is one of the most essential home boat storage ideas on our list! A carport will shield your craft from rain and tree debris when it’s not in use. In addition, parking your boat under a covered structure will make it easier to hitch it up and head out whenever you have time—which is the point of owning a boat in the first place!

Winter storage is not so simple. Sure, you’ll want to park your boat in a protected spot, but there’s a little extra work and maintenance involved. Let’s take a look at some keys to proper winter storage.

Prep Work for Winter Storage

There’s a variety of prep work that will need to be completed before you put your boat in storage for the winter season. However, it’s important to note that the list below is only a partial accounting of what you may need to do. The specific requirements of your boat will depend on the make and model. Be sure to consult the owner’s manual for instructions. With this in mind, most boats often need the following:

  • Fresh antifreeze. This is a particularly important step in cold climates.However, even those in relatively moderate climates will want to add fresh antifreeze to their craft, as it will prevent it from freezing during the long winter months. As mentioned above, it is important to do this in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Disconnect the battery. If you keep your battery connected all winter long, it’s likely you’ll return to your boat in the spring only to find it completely out of charge. Keeping the battery hooked up will slowly drain it all winter, even if the electronics on the boat are shut off.
  • Fill the gas tank. It’s also a good idea to keep your gas tank full during the winter. This will prevent condensation from building up and potentially causing rust. You may also be able to add a fuel stabilizer to the gas to keep it in good condition while it sits throughout the season.
  • Cover it up. Finally, if you own a boat cover, use it to protect the interior from the elements. This is an important step even if you are going to park your boat under a carport or other structure. The interior of your boat will be in much better shape when spring rolls around if it has been protected by a cover throughout the winter.

The Wrap Option

Above, we mentioned that using a boat cover is a good way to protect the interior. However, some boat owners decide to take it a step further and opt for shrink-wrap. The advantage of shrink-wrapping is that it provides excellent protection from moisture, performing much better than a standard boat cover.

So, what’s the downside? The cost, of course. Shrink-wrapping your boat is a rather expensive form of protection. In addition, you will need to have it done fresh every winter, as the wrapping doesn’t carry over from one year to the next. Generally speaking,this is a service that is best left for large, expensive boats, where the importance of protecting the vessel is amplified and the cost of shrink-wrapping is justified.

Order a Carport for Your Boat Today!

At American Carports, Inc., we offer high-quality, affordable metal structures for a variety of purposes. If you need a reliable home storage solution for your craft, our carports and garages are perfect for the job. Plus, you can use our Build& Price Tool to fully customize your structure, view a 3D rendering, and receive an instant quote! We look forward to serving you.