Tag: Custom

What Are My Steel Roof Options?

Are you considering a steel garage or steel carport? If so, the first thing you will need to think about is how you will be using your unit. The next step, figure out what roof option you need.



The roof of your steel unit is very important as it will be what protects your belongings. Your steel roof choice can also depict the look of your steel unit, too.



At American Carports, we have two roofing options available to choose from. 



A-Frame Vertical Steel Roof

The A-frame vertical roof design is quite popular amongst customers because it is not only sturdy but also cost effective. With this type of roof, the roof sheeting runs vertically in length helping snow and other elements slide off easily.



A-Frame Horizontal Steel Roof

Although the A-Frame horizontal roof design looks very similar to the vertical design, the sheets are instead placed horizontally. The A-frame shape still helps the horizontal roof disperse snow fairly well. However, A-frame horizontal roofs are more commonly seen in places that don’t get very much snow.



Other Additional Features Available

Along with your roof style, you have other features that will help make your steel unit truly yours.



Extra Trusses

If you are someone that lives in a place that sees heavy snowfall, it is wise to think about adding extra trusses. The trusses help to create an even sturdier support for your metal roof.



Larger Braces

Just as trusses help make your roof stronger, larger braces help increase the strength of the actual steel structure.



45-degree Angles

To give your steel unit a unique look, 45-degree angles sheeting can be installed on the front corners of any A-frame unit design.




Skylights look amazing when added to a steel unit. They are available in different sizes but are also only installed on vertical roofs.



Steel Carport or Unit from American Carports Inc.

Do you have a design for a steel unit in mind? American Carports is here to make your design come to life!



Our professional engineers are here to create the custom steel carport or building that is perfect for you and your needs. And, as an added bonus… delivery and installation are free!



To get a free estimate on your custom carport, contact American Carports today.

Why A Greenhouse?

As you stroll through your garden, the sun’s rays intensively shine down upon your plants. It’s been an unpredictably dry season ﹘ the soil is cracked and dry, longing for nourishment…Your produce isn’t looking too good.


That’s it. You decide to step up your gardening skills and invest in a greenhouse. You don’t understand what the big fuss is about but decide to give a try. Little did you know about the handful of opportunities that came with it.


Maybe you want to grow year round. Or perhaps you reside in bipolar weather. Whatever the situation, greenhouse gardening is effective and essential. In fact, it’s becoming a popular trend due to its beneficial advantages. Step up your gardening skills and consider creating your personal ecosystem. Below we provided some beneficial factors of these essential houses.

Why a Greenhouse?

    • A major advantage a greenhouse gives you is flexibility. Greenhouses give you the liberty to plant whatever you want ‒ whenever you want. From winter to summer, you’re the one in control.


    • Being able to avoid the plant-destructive seasons takes away the worry of droughts and  floods. You have the authority to adjust the temperature and humidity depending on your plant requirements. They also allow you to control the amount of light and ventilation your plants receive.


  • Keeping your plants outside exposes them to harsh weather conditions and pests. With no protection, their reproduction will be severely disturbed. A greenhouse will eliminate termites, and thus create an effective garden.

Fruits and vegetables are healthy and organic. They are also pretty expensive and prices have done nothing but rise. Growing, processing, and transporting makes them costly. Gardening, in general, helps you save money because it continuously produces goods. When you upgrade to a greenhouse, you can grow whatever you choose year round.



We have had used skylight panels for the sides and roof, giving us a nice viewing of the anatomy of a well-made building. Then we added windows to allow ventilation and anchors to keep it standing strong. It’s sturdy and appealing to the eye.


Investing in something that will save you more in the future is worth doing. Consider enhancing your garden with a greenhouse. You won’t regret it and neither will your plants.

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