Tag: custom engineer certified

Anchors: What You Need to Know

American Carports uses 4 types of anchors or tie-downs when installing your carport. Rebar anchors (pin anchors) are used for standard installation on ground, gravel, clay, or sand. We also offer asphalt anchors, concrete anchors, and mobile home anchors (MHA) as an upgrade option for ground installation.





Standard rebar anchors measure approximately 36” and are hammered through the base rail and into the ground. They are what is commonly used for ground installations, but many customers like to upgrade to mobile home anchors for the extra durability. Unlike rebar anchors, MHA (30”) are screwed into the ground and latched to the side of the base rail with a bolt. Mobile home anchors can also be added to your unit to give you an extra wind warranty. The suggested amount of mobile home anchors would have to be purchased to ensure the wind warranty, however.


Asphalt anchors are also latched onto the side of the base rail with a bolt and are approximately 30”. Concrete anchors are installed like rebar anchors, drilled through the base rail and into the concrete. Asphalt and concrete anchors can also guarantee the wind warranty when the suggested amount is purchased. The wind warranty is optional.



Concrete Slab:


When having concrete anchors installed, you have the option to also purchase L-Brackets, which will ensure that we do not chip the edge of your slab if you choose to make the building flush with the concrete. If you allow a lip of 3” or more of slab around the building, L-Brackets are not necessary. For more information on slab requirements, please contact us!



Site Readiness:


Anchoring is an essential part of carport installation, so having a level site is crucial. We suggest that the slope difference be no greater than 3 inches. Our installers can refuse to install on unlevel ground. To ensure everyone’s safety and per company policy, our installers will not install a carport or metal building unless they can ensure that it is properly anchored. We only install on ground, gravel, asphalt, and concrete. We do not anchor to railroad ties, cinderblock, storage containers, floating docks, or brick. Please contact our main office to inquire about installation on surfaces other than what was mentioned above.


You can always refer to our contract or contact us for further information on choosing the best anchors for your building and site installation.

Fully Vertical, Fully Insulated

Our metal buildings offer great protection when it comes to inclement weather. The versatility of steel allows us to transform and shape your building according to your desired specifications and needs.

Despite the versatility of our buildings, however, one other option that we offer is insulation. Insulation can be a little pricey—but, in the end, it’s your belongings that are getting protected from the harsh weather conditions. Please be aware that insulation can only be installed on vertical metal buildings. That means that if you need your building to be fully insulated, the whole building must be vertical (siding). To learn more about our insulation please click here.

Take a look at this 24’W x 36’L x 9’H metal building that’s fully insulated:

•Fully Vertical

• Fully Insulated

• Three 9’x7′ Roll-Up Doors (two on the front end, and one on the side)

• 36″ x 84″ Heavy Duty Door (on the side)

• Concrete Anchors

• Welded “L” Brackets

*Interior designs may vary by state or region. The above design is effective for only a 30 PSF (ground snow load) and may require additional trusses to meet local codes. Additionally, lateral support might be required based on wind loads.

Since the slab is the same size as the metal building, we needed to include an “L” bracket to anchor the building without chipping the edge of the slab. Those come with an additional price.

There are endless ways to customize your metal building. If you have a sketch of what you’re picturing, our experts will work around the measurements and features in order to meet your needs. And with 12 different colors to choose from, you can add your own personal touch at no additional charge.

*Disclaimer: Prices are subject to change at any time without notice. Please contact our sales department for our latest prices.*

Weather Delays

In this business, the longer it takes to complete a project, the more time it’ll be before the next one can get started. Setting back the completion date isn’t something most contractors want to do, but sometimes it’s inevitable. However, it is possible to plan for delays so that they’re less detrimental to the project and its timeline. Checking with your local building department or code enforcement for local codes can expedite the process too.


Setbacks are often caused by factors outside a contractor’s control. For instance, weather conditions can affect a construction timeline. Depending on the location, spring can bring rainy weather and be followed by the dry heat of summer. Fall and winter can bring cooler temperatures, snow, and ice. Each of these can be harmful to materials and machinery and can cause safety hazards to workers on site.


Any sort of outdoor work is made more difficult by rain, and rainy and wet conditions are a frequent reason for contractors to request additional time on a project. Rain can cause myriad problems for people working on construction. Mud can be not only a nuisance, but a safety hazard for anyone driving off a muddy site or for drivers who must share the road with an excessively muddy vehicle. But this can be avoided by using gravel or rock as a base and properly grading the land ahead of time.


Thunderstorms can cause even more damage to a site. And they often come with high winds that can disorganize a job site at best and destroy materials at worst. The hail that accompanies thunderstorms creates another major concern, as it has been known to dent and even break materials like sheet metal and glass.


Spring’s showers might dry up when the summer months come around, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any more risks for the work site. Hot and dry weather brings its own set of problems. Extreme heat can cause health problems to workers, and if they seek relief by removing protections like hard hats and safety glasses, they could put themselves at risk of injury.


Autumn and winter bring cold weather that can have a negative impact as well. The equipment finance advisor noted that mortar and grout can be most affected by cold weather. When they get too cold, they cannot properly absorb moisture, and this makes them weaker and less resistant to water.


Cold weather affects workers too. They need to wear additional layers when working outdoors, and these layers restrict their movement and their ability to handle items carefully. Muscles and joints are also less flexible when cold, which could put workers at greater risk of injury.


Inclement weather can’t be avoided or prevented. In most cases, though, it can be predicted with fair accuracy. If you know that your site is at risk of any of these adverse weather conditions, take precautions to protect your equipment, materials, site, and workers


Mobile Mini also provides mobile offices. These can be used as a places for contractors to store important information about the site, or as a refuge for employees to escape the hot sun or the cold air.

Agricultural Barn

Metal agricultural buildings offer great protection for farm equipment and even livestock, but these traditional units are not only for farm use. In fact, many of our customers opt to construct a metal agricultural barn for their vehicles. Since these lean-tos can be open or closed, there’s always the advantage of enclosing your lean-to and transforming it into a little storage room.


Here is a good example of a metal agricultural building being used alternatively than the traditional farm use:


18’W x 31’L x 12’H (Main Unit)

  • A-Frame Horizontal Roof
  • 2 – 10′ x 10′ Roll-Up Doors (one on each end)


12’W x 31’L x 10’/8’H (Lean-To’s)

  • A-Frame Horizontal Roof
  • Double Walk-in Door (right lean-to)
  • 9′ x 7′ Roll-Up Door (left lean-to)
  • Concrete Anchors (90-MPH Wind Warranty)



Please note that American Carports does not offer any type of concrete work and your surface must be level in order to get the unit installed.


This metal unit is fully enclosed with our double walk-in doors and our A-frame horizontal roof (boxed eave), which give it a unique look.


You can order yours, too! Give us a call and let one of our sales representatives help you customize your metal agricultural barn today. With the variety of options we offer, there’s so much to choose from. Don’t forget to ask about our financing options.


*Disclaimer: Prices are subject to change at any time without notice. Please contact our sales department for our latest prices. *

Pre-Fabricated Buildings

Steel comes with a handful of benefits in comparison with other elements. The time a unit takes to construct may take longer than wished for but we simplified the process with our pre-fabricated buildings.


What does this mean?


This simply means your unit is drilled and welded at our factory. The components are then carefully loaded onto the trucks and sent off to your chosen construction site.


Read below to see the benefits of pre-manufactured buildings:


Prices are discussed with you before installation. You will not have sudden price increase for the installation. This is because we provide you with a free estimate and installation.


Installation may take hours or a couple of days. Whatever the time frame, both you and us, save ourselves the long hassle of erection period by a huge percentage.


When the buildings are fabricated in the factory, scraps and other leftover material is kept for recycling. It would create a bigger mess if it were constructed on-site.


Safety is first. Potential hazards are eliminated when the labor is done at our plant. Workers won’t be working in extreme weather for longer periods of time.


Unpredictable weather is always a likely circumstance, we know this. The likelihood, however, is immensely decreased when you order from a company with pre-fabricated buildings like us.


But what makes us different from the others?


Our pre-fabricated buildings are Engineer-Certified to meet your state codes. We stand behind our product and provide you with the best customer service.



We also provide generic plans on most standard buildings at no extra charge. Additionally, our 360° roof bracing and wind warranty packages guarantee you with a long-lasting durable carport.



We like to keep things simple, and want you to have a smooth process when purchasing from us. That’s why we provide you with as much opportunities as we can.



Give us a call. We would love to hear from you.


3-Bay Metal Garage

If you have multiple vehicles at your house, it may be a little challenging to get every single one protected from the weather, especially if the only garage you have is the one attached to your house. Moving the other cars just to get one out can be quite annoying, too, especially if you’re in a hurry or the weather isn’t cooperating.


This scenario happens pretty often. That’s why American Steel Carports encourages you to acquire a 3-bay metal garage for your vehicles. The big advantage of having your garage doors on the side of the building, instead of the end, is that expanding in length is not as expensive as expanding in width. End walls are pricier due to the material needed. With your garage doors on the side, your cars will be just as secure, and at a lower cost.


Check out this 30’W x 41’L x 12’H 3-bay metal garage:


 A-Frame Vertical Roof

 Horizontal Sides & Ends

 3 – 10’x10′ Roll-Up Doors

 36″x80″ Walk-In Door

 Concrete Anchors


You can always come up with your own designs as well. Also, remember that we can always adjust the length, width, and height of any metal building according to your needs. Doors sizes can always be changed as well. All the pictures we’ve showed, are just live examples of designs and styles that our customers opt for according to their specifications and tastes.


If you have a project in mind, or you’re looking to get a quote, give us call! Let one of your experts assist you with any questions you may have. Don’t forget to ask about our financing options.

Steel Roofing and How to Care for Yours

Now that you’ve learned how to maintain your steel carport, it is now time to find out how to care for your carport’s steel roof.

Metal or steel roofs are extremely durable. They can withstand a lot of brutal weather and are also low maintenance if you know how to properly care for them. This makes metal roofing material perfect for topping off our high-quality steel units here at American Carports.



4 Steel Roof Care Tips


If you have a steel unit that has a metal roof or are in the process of purchasing one, here are some tips that will help you care for your metal roof.



Cut Back Trees and Limbs

If you are a homeowner, you know that your roof is very important. And, if you’ve ever had to replace the roof of your home, you know it can be quite costly too. This makes it very important to learn about ways to prevent it from happening again. One of those ways is by keeping tree and tree limbs from hitting your roof. This tip is also great for the steel roofs too.



Overtime, tree limbs can cause abrasions to form due to the wind or rain shifting them back and forth. That is why it is best that you keep branches cut away from your roof, so this can be avoided.



Get Rid of Debris

Excessive debris is also another culprit that can cause damage to your steel roof. Although most debris like leaves will get washed away when it rains or is windy, it also very important that you do your best to clear the rest of the debris from time-to-time. This can easily be done by adding a “spray and shoot” nozzle to the end of your water hose and spraying your roof clean.



Do Not Forget About the Gutters

If your steel unit has gutters attached to it, ensure they you clean them regularly.



Gutters help keep debris directly off your roof, however, when they are backed up or remain untouched, that can cause problems. Since steel roofs work to shed wet elements and then dry’s itself out, a clogged gutter can prove to be detrimental and cause rust or corrosion to form. As a reminder, when you clean the debris from your metal roof, make it a habit to also clean the gutters too.



Minimize Traffic

To install any roof, you have to climb on to it. And although metal roofs are durable, the less foot traffic you have the better.



Of course, there may be certain circumstances where you need to get on the roof yourself or you may need someone else to get up there. However, when this happens, do your best to be careful and thoroughly communicate with the person the importance of minimizing foot traffic. This will likely reduce any damage that may be caused.



Your steel unit and metal roof are great investments. They can provide you with adequate storage and many years of benefits if properly maintained.



Steel Units and More from American Carports

From steel carports to steel agricultural buildings, American Carports is the leading manufacturer of steel buildings!


Each of our units come engineer certified with a 20-year warranty and free shipping and installation. We also have additional features that can be added like tubing, braces, and solar air vents to make your steel unit all yours!


To get a free estimate on your steel building from American Carports, contact us today.

4 Major Steel Carport Maintenance Tips

Steel buildings are extremely durable making them well worth the money.

Whether you are using one as a place to store farming equipment or as a place to store your cars, a steel building can hold up to just about anything. Especially when it is made with high-quality steel like at American Carports.


Although our steel building is practically low-maintenance and can last for a long time, there are some things you can do to keep your steel carport, barn or shed looking like new.


Check Periodically


Your steel building probably gets a lot of use. Since the structure is outdoors, a lot of times things may happen to it and can easily go unnoticed if not inspected. As a good rule of thumb, it is a good idea to check it periodically for damage, rust, and dents. You should make it a habit to check your steel storage unit at least twice a year. However, if you live in an area that sees a lot of bad weather from hail, tornadoes, or even snow storms, it is best that you check your unit more frequently.


Do Minor Repairs


After you have done your bi-yearly inspection of your steel unit, if you by chance find any damages, be sure to handle those as soon as possible. You would be surprised how much additional damage can take place from one small hole in your structure’s roof. Something so minor can allow rodents to get in or can allow the elements to penetrate your unit. By promptly taking care of any damage, big or small, you can stop further damage before it has time to develop.


Clean Frequently


Just like you home, your steel carport, barn, workshop, garage, or custom building needs a little maintenance which includes spot cleaning and deep cleaning. Spot cleaning your unit when you have a spill is important, but you must not forget deep cleaning as well. Deep cleaning your unit with cleaning products allow you to get rid of any mold or fungus that could easily set up shop in your structure. Since steel is extremely durable, using soap, water, bleach, and maybe even a power washer can be very beneficial in keeping your steel unit like new.


Watch Out for Water


One thing you need to remember about steel is that no matter how heavy duty it is, is still not good for your unit. Water is like steel’s kryptonite, so you need to try your best to watch out for it. Large areas of water near or beside your steel unit can cause it to rust which will lead to structural damage. To prevent this from happening, try adding gutters or downspouts to deter water away from your building.


If you want to make your steel building last for years and years to come, keep these simple yet key maintenance tips in mind.


Are you interested in getting your own steel building? Check out our products page here or contact American Carports today to get started.

Full Protection with Fully Vertical Garages

Durability and easy maintenance are what our metal buildings are best known for. With more than 16 years of experience, we know exactly how to make our buildings last a long time. If wind and snow loads are your main concerns, then you’ve come to the right place.


Among the many styles we offer, there’s a special one that we recommend to all our customers: the vertical style. When the panels run vertically, they let water, dirt, and snow run off easily. This type of roof is highly recommended in snowy areas. Our buildings are certified for 20–30 PSF, but don’t forget to check with your building department about snow-load requirements; if your city requires more, we can certify it by adding more material.


Our A-frame roofs come in a residential style too, so if you happen to live in the city or the suburbs, our buildings will blend in with the neighborhood. Keep in mind that vertical siding buildings have the advantage of allowing insulation to be added.



Take a look at this fully vertical garage:


 30’W x 31’L x 12’H

 12-Gauge Galvanized Tubing

 2 – 10′ x 10′ Roll-Up Doors

 36″ x 80″ Walk-In Door (side)

 Fully Vertical

 90-mph Wind Warranty (20 Concrete Anchors)



The garage comes with a 20-year warranty on rust-through of the framing, because it’s built from 12-gauge galvanized tubing. Another feature is the concrete anchors that we offer. Keep in mind that you can also get our 90-mph wind warranty if you purchase all the anchors required. The placement of doors is optional: they can go on the ends or on the sides. Remember that if the roll-up door goes on the side, the leg height needs to be at least one foot taller than the door.


We care for your needs, and it’s our responsibility to offer you high-quality service. We recommend to our customers what’s best for them. If you don’t know how to get started with your quote, simply give us a call! One of our sales representatives will help you with all your questions. Don’t forget to check our other blogs for more information and more recently installed units.