Tag: custom metal building

Standard Carport W/ a Lean-to

Simple carports can transform into something customized!


Metal steel carports have been in the industry for many years, offering great protection for your belongings. That’s why American Carports is here to back you up! With over 20 years of experience, we know exactly how to install a strong and steady carport.


Customizing your metal carport is another key service that our company offers. Our experts can give you recommendations on certain sizes or dimensions. If you have an idea or a rough sketch of your dream building, let us help you bring it to life! It is important for us to build your unit according to your needs, whether you want a lean-to for storing extra equipment or additional shade, like in the building below:


Main Unit: 


• 26’W x 41’L x 12’H

• 12-Gauge galvanize Tubing

• Standard Roof

• Horizontal Gable End (back end)

• 12’W x 41’L x 11’/10’H Lean-To

• Concrete Anchors (90-Mph Wind Warranty)



The outcome of this customization was very beautiful! Our customer’s idea turned out to look incredible, especially since the metal carport is near the shore.


You can customize your unit, too! Give us a call and ask to speak with one of our sales representatives. They will go over your ideas until we can build you the perfect building. Whether your carport is custom or non-custom, we will explain the process to you in easy steps. Remember that we can provide a free sketch on how your unit will look if you need visual representation. Also, don’t forget to ask about our financing options, or click here for more information.


*Disclaimer: Prices are subject to change at any time without notice. Please contact our sales department for our latest prices.*

So Many Different Options for you to Customize your Metal Building

Whether you’re looking for a simple carport/garage, a warehouse, or a completely custom metal building, American Carports will make the metal structure of your dreams come true! With more than 20 years of service in the carport industry, we know exactly how to give our customers a pleasant experience.


Any side of your carport can be customized. Whether you want some extra space between the legs, or to make it taller than 12’, or an additional lean-to, we cover it all!





One of the most common customizations is our headers. Headers can increase the spacing in between the legs and function as actual openings. Some of our customers who opt to enclose their metal buildings prefer to have openings instead of actual garage doors.




13’ or taller:


Our standard, triple wide, and widespan flyers normally only go up to 12’ tall, but that doesn’t mean we’ll limit ourselves. In fact, the tallest we can go is 20’. We might not build skyscrapers, but we can make your structure tall enough for all your machinery equipment that you want to protect.




Lean-Tos or Connections:


When people hear the word “lean-to,” they automatically picture an agricultural barn with lean-tos on each side, which are also called wings. Lean-tos can be added to most of our buildings as additional storage space or as carports for parking your vehicles.




What about if you have two buildings and you just want to connect them? American Carports can connect your buildings as well! Here are a few examples of connected buildings:




Different Pitches:


Yes, we offer different angles or pitches for our metal buildings! All of our buildings come with a 3/12 roof pitch, but we can go as low as 2/12 or as high as 8/12 (depending on the unit).


If you are considering making any of these customizations, don’t be afraid to let us know. We will work with you until we can make the building you’re looking for. Aside from that, don’t forget that American Carports makes sure that your building is certified by the best engineers. And don’t forget to ask for our financing options!


Have you considered covering a small part of your driveway for your vehicle? Perhaps providing shade to certain belongings that need to be protected from the harsh weather? Whichever case best describes your situation, know that American Carports is here to meet your needs and specifications.


Lean-to units are great for providing protection alongside existing buildings. These structures can be customized to fit your needs. A lean-to is a structure that slopes off in a single direction. Most lean-tos are attached to another structure. Unfortunately, American Carports cannot attach lean-tos to your existing structure—but we can install very close against the existing structure. These units are excellent options for installing a covered sidewalk along your building to protect your customers or guests from rain or snow.


If you would like to put a lean-to up against your house to provide parking for your vehicle, we can also do that. The spacing will have to be altered if you have doors or windows that you want to remain accessible and open. Just let us know the layout and specifications of your property so that we can customize the unit for you.


Since we’re talking about lean-tos, take a closer look at this 11’W x 17’L x 11’/9’H freestanding lean-to:



Need one like this? Perhaps something a little different? Give us call and ask to speak with one of our sales representatives! We’d be more than happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.



*Note: Once a lean-to exceeds 12’ in width, additional material for reinforcement will be added.

30 x 41 x 12 – 3-Bay Metal Garage

If you have multiple vehicles at your house, it may be a little challenging to get every single one protected from the weather, especially if the only garage you have is the one attached to your house. Moving the other cars just to get one out can be quite annoying, too, especially if you’re in a hurry or the weather isn’t cooperating.

This scenario happens pretty often. That’s why American Carports encourages you to acquire a 3-bay metal garage for your vehicles. The big advantage of having your garage doors on the side of the building, instead of the end, is that expanding in length is not as expensive as expanding in width. End walls are pricier due to the material needed. With your garage doors on the side, your cars will be just as secure, and at a lower cost.

Check out this 30’W x 41’L x 12’H 3-bay metal garage:

  • A-Frame Vertical Roof
  • Horizontal Sides & Ends
  • 3 – 10’x10′ Roll-Up Doors
  • 36″x80″ Walk-In Door

You can always come up with your own designs as well. Also, remember that we can always adjust the length, width, and height of any metal building according to your needs. Doors sizes can always be changed as well. All the pictures we’ve shown, are just live examples of designs and styles that our customers opt for according to their specifications and tastes.

If you have a project in mind, or you’re looking to get a quote, give us a call! Let one of your experts assist you with any questions you may have. Don’t forget to ask about our financing options.


Protect Your Second Home

Our RVs are like a second home: they protect us from the weather, they give us comfort, and they take us anywhere we want to go. Next time you’re planning a family vacation out in the woods, guess how you’ll get there and start the adventure?


RVs are a big investment, and we need to take care of them. One of the biggest concerns is where you will park your RV. Some RVs are giants compared to others, and you might be discouraged because our flyers say that our metal structures aren’t higher than 12 feet tall. However, that doesn’t mean that we cannot go over 12 feet tall. In fact, the tallest we can go is 20 feet! Take a look at this 16’W x 36’L x 14’H unit:



You can let your imagination run wild when it comes to customizing your metal RV cover. This particular RV cover comes with a horizontal roof, a 12’ x 12’ overhead door, a 36” x 80” walk-in door, and concrete anchors.


Looking for something taller? How about something wider? Perhaps longer? Don’t worry, all of our units are custom-built per your needs! Give us a call to speak with one of our experts! Don’t forget to ask about our financing options. Want to see our buildings in person? Ask for your local dealer!

Fully Vertical Building

Summer is already here, but there’s still time to get your metal building before it gets hotter!


Steel garages offer a great protection for your vehicles and other valuables, especially from the blazing sun. But our metal buildings not only keep your belongings in the shade, they protect them from the winter! We can provide the right materials in the right amounts to follow your local codes and requirements and certify your building for snow loads and winds!


An all-vertical metal garage is highly recommended for northern and snowy areas. Because the panels run vertically, snow can run off the roof and walls easily. A great example of a fully vertical metal garage is this 30′W × 31′L × 11′H below:


• 2 – 10’x10′ Overhead Doors

• Walk-In Door

• Concrete Anchors (90-Mph Wind Warranty) *Optional*



*Disclaimer: interior designs may vary by state or region. Buildings may require additional trusses to meet local codes. Prices are subject to change at any time without notice. Please contact our sales department for our latest prices.*


Overhead doors offer a unique residential style, but we also offer regular overhead doors. And remember that we offer colored roll-up doors! Ask our representatives for more information.



Give us a call and let a sales representative help you customize your metal building. If you don’t want overhead doors, we also offer roll-up doors. Just ask our experts! Don’t forget to check out our products for more pictures and ideas!

Custom Metal Building w/ Lean-To

Wouldn’t it be great if metal buildings, such as garages, workshops, or even barns, were built in a more residential style? American Carports has taken its buildings to the next level. We want to make sure that we meet all your expectations and provide you with high-quality products, most importantly with certified buildings that will last for years.


Many of our customers add lean-tos to their structures, and the way they use them varies with their specific needs. This 30’W x 61’L x 12’H metal structure built in 12-gauge is a perfect example of how our buildings can be adapted to a residential style. It also uses our new deluxe windows and has the A-frame vertical roof style on both the structure itself and the lean-to.


• 2 – 10’x8 Roll-Up Doors (front and back)

• 6 – Windows

• Walk-In Door (on the side)

• 12’W x 61’L x 11’/8’H Lean-To

• A-Frame Vertical Roof

• 2 –  Gable End


Disclaimer: Additional material might be required to meet local codes. Therefore, the inside design and pricing may vary by state. Prices are subject to change at any time without notice. Please contact our sales department for our latest prices*


A-Frame Vertical Roofs allow for easy maintenance because the panels are all siding, from the peak to the eaves. They let water, snow, and dirt run off easily.


Impressive, isn’t it? And we can change the building’s dimensions to suit your needs. This is just a small preview of what we can offer you. Remember, it’s your ideas that make the difference with your metal buildings. And with thirteen (13) colors to choose from, you can add your own personal touch.



Need help with a quote? Give us a call. We’ll be happy to help you. And don’t forget to visit our products section for more ideas and details.

The Perfect Building for You!

Additional Extensions to Your Metal Storage Building


Lean-tos are very handy when it comes to additions. They don’t just offer protection—they can also serve as extra space or a small carport for your vehicle! Most of our customers prefer a 3-foot or larger drop on their lean-tos, but remember that it’s your choice how to enhance your metal building!



Types of Lean-Tos:


We offer two different styles when it comes to lean-tos. The first one is the regular drop lean-to. As explained earlier, this lean-to has a gap from the original height, coming down to whichever height you prefer.


The second style is a continuous lean-to, which means that there’s no gap in between the first height from the second one. You can see the sample of a continuous lean-to below:



What Makes American Carports Different?


Unlike other companies, we provide the right number of trusses in order to protect our metal buildings from the environment. However, we also recommend that you acquire our concrete, mobile home, or asphalt anchors in order to avoid disastrous situations. Another of our features is that we count with a variety of sizes when it comes to roll-up and overhead doors.


Here is a great example of a metal building with a continuous lean-to.


• 26’W x 31’L x 11’H

• 14-Gauge Galvanized Tubing

• A-Frame Horizontal Roof

• 36×72 Walk-In Door (on the side)

• 18 x 9 Roll-Up Door

• 12’W x 31’L x 8’H Continuous Lean-To

• Concrete Anchors (90-mph wind warranty)



American Carports will take care of the delivery and installation of your metal building on your level site or concrete slab. We want to make sure that our buildings meet your expectations and needs. Remember that you can always give us a call for more information. One of our sales representatives will assist you and answer any questions you might have about our buildings.


*Disclaimer: Prices are subject to change at any time without notice. Please contact our sales department for our latest prices.*

Add Value to Your Property

This year feels like it’s going pretty fast, but you still have enough time to place your order and be ready for the summer and winter!


We specialize in metal buildings. Whether you want a mini-storage, metal barn, simple carport, or more complex building or warehouse, American Carports will be there to make sure that your unit gets installed correctly. Our sales representatives will work with you to ensure that you get exactly what you’re looking for. We can even provide a free sketch for visual purposes!


Take this 30’W x 51’L x 10’H metal workshop as an example of what we’re capable of:


• A-Frame Vertical Roof

• Four (4) – 10’x8′ Roll-Up Doors (on the side)

• Two (2) – 30″x30″ Windows (one on each end)

• 6’x7′ Roll-Up Door (front end)

• 36″x80″ Walk-In Door (back end)



NOTE: Adding roll-up doors on the side of the building can save you some money, since it’s cheaper to grow in length than in width. When the metal building overpasses 30’ in length, we strongly recommend opting for a vertical roof; this will help you avoid any leaks in the future.


You can always share your ideas and thoughts and customize your own building, and we will do our best to make it happen. Remember, the dimensions and additional features (such as garage doors, windows, etc.) can always be changed.


Give us a call! And don’t forget to ask about our financing options. Ask for your local dealer if you want to get a closer look at our available metal buildings.